The Ripple: One Hand and the Other – News – Teutopolis Press – Dieterich Gazette-Teutopolis, IL

Everything changes. Sometimes seemingly “too fast” or “too slow,” but impermanence is the nature of life.

Right now there is a very interesting shift in consciousness occurring on planet Earth.

One on hand, we are shifting towards more understanding of ourselves as emotional beings, in need of support, understanding, and connection with other humans.

On the other hand, we are shifting towards more dependence on technology to complete our tasks, so that we can operate more efficiently, like robots, to get more done, and faster.

On one hand, we are acknowledging that the psyche, body, and spirit are integral parts of our being which operate in connection with one another, and which all play a role in health.

On the other hand, we are still studying branches of science as if they have nothing to do with one another, and passing laws which inhibit people from seeking help and medicine which honor the psyche, body, and spirit all at once.

On one hand, we are fighting for equality regardless of race, color, or creed.

On the other hand, we are fighting for equality with the belief that our power exists in the hands of other people, and that the only way to thrive in this world is to play by the rules of the elitists’ systems.

On one hand, we are talking more openly about metaphysics and spirituality.

On the other hand, we are judging people for finding something powerful to believe which gives them hope and helps them be a more compassionate person.

On one hand, we are preaching to love all beings.

On the other hand, we are preaching hatred of beings for being different, without ever getting to know what, why, and how that person operates the way they do.

On one hand we are preaching oneness and togetherness.

On the other hand, we are warring with our friends and families.

On one hand, we believe that democracy keeps the power in the hands of the people.

On the other hand, elections are being bought and paid for all over the world.

On one hand, we all want to feel love and acceptance.

On the other hand, we struggle to even love and accept ourselves, day in and day out.

On one hand, we take pride in our farm land.

On the other hand, we allow big businesses to strip the soil of its nutrients, to poison our air and water, and to cause chronic illnesses which cost us so much money to treat and never cure.

On one hand, we are patriotic.

On the other hand, we forget the indigenous tribes who were forced to quit practicing their rituals of honoring all that the Creator provided us on Earth for our sustainability.

On one hand, we glorify the American Dream.

On the other hand, we become one of the most mentally ill and physically sick societies in the world.

On one hand, we want to judge the chaos, control, and manipulation in the world.

On the other hand, we thank it for opening our eyes and inspiring us to grow and love more.

On one hand, we get a bit irritated by ignorance.

On the other hand, we accept that we will always be ignorant of something.

On one hand, we all just want to get along.

On the other hand, we will always be humans, still working through fears and judgments.

On one hand, we believe in the human race.

On the other hand, all of us will die eventually.

On one hand, life is eternal.

On the other hand, no one knows what to expect.

On one hand, we want to plan for the future.

On the other hand, all we have is right NOW.

How are we dedicating ourselves to the moment?

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