BurstIQ releases blockchain-enabled user interface toolset for JavaScript and Python

BurstIQ LLC, a provider of blockchain-enabled secure data exchange services, Thursday launched a user interface software developer kit for BurstChain, the company’s data exchange network.

The UI SDK is filled with tools for developers to rapidly develop and deploy distributed ledger blockchain hooks for web applications and services using the BurstIQ platform. To make it as accessible as possible, the new SDK includes app starter kits for both JavaScript and Python.

This full version of the SDK adds two new npm modules: a consent creator and dictionary editor. Npm is a package manager for the common JavaScript framework Node.js and is used in many different websites to manage services.

These new modules will simplify the process of building necessary elements of blockchain consensus and data lookup tables. Together they allow these critical data structures to be governed by business analysis, researchers and system administrators without the need for specialized software development skills.

All of the new modules have been configured for seamless integration with already existing apps that use BurstChain’s data exchange protocols.

“Helping our partners accelerate their blockchain projects is an important aspect of what we do,” said Tyson Henry, chief technology officers at BurstIQ. “There are new regulations emerging all over the world that are mandating things like granular data ownership, dynamic consent, interoperability, and secure data sharing. Enterprises need to adapt quickly and integrate new data governance models into their systems and services.”

The BurstIQ UI SDK is part of a larger ecosystem of tools that the company provides for small business and enterprise scale developers to take advantage of blockchain technology. It includes numerous hooks that permit secure data exchange with distributed ledgers and helps detangle complex workflows and networks.

BurstIQ’s services include integrated rules engines to manage data consent and orchestration, digital sandbox services for testing, data governance and flexible schemas. All of this is built on BurstIQ’s blockchain-enabled data exchange network which is compliant with both the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act in the US and the General Data Protection Regulation law in the UK.

All of the application starter kits that come with BurstChain are available free of charge and under the Apache v2 open source license.

The UI SDK and all of its attendant documentation, sample code and how-to videos are also now available from BurstIQ to get users up to speed and building apps as quickly as possible. Interested users must join BurstIQ’s website or contact the company to get full access.

Photo: Pixabay

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