‘The Merge’ unplugged Ethereum from crypto mining

The cryptocurrency industry achieved a major environmental goal recently, and it was a laudable, significant step forward. But as far as green projects go, it was like The Hulk beginning his anger management work.

Ethereum pulled off an ambitious transformation known as The Merge, which ended energy-burning crypto mining on its blockchain. Instead, the Ethereum blockchain will now be validated by coin owners in a proof-of-stake system. Alex de Vries, an Amsterdam researcher and analyst at Digiconomist, told Incrypto that The Merge cut Ethereum’s energy use by more than 99.9%.

That’s a big deal. Ethereum is forward-thinking when it comes to utilizing blockchain technology (think NFTs and smart contracts that automatically carry out terms of an agreement). So why aren’t crypto users and environmentalists hugging it out after years of rancor?

First, ether’s price has tanked around 15% in the past 30 days while other issues have flared up (like slow and costly transactions). Also, some of the energy consumption addressed by The Merge may have simply shifted to other parts of the crypto industry.

And then researchers from the University of New Mexico released new findings comparing the environmental impact of bitcoin—the No. 1 cryptocurrency—to major offenders like the oil and beef industries.

Bottom line: Yes, The Merge was a big step, but crypto won’t be a Smart Hulk until it’s done a lot more yoga.—JE