Nvidia’s CMP170HX in the Wild With 164 MHps of Ethereum Mining Performance

Reports on Nvidia aiming to repurpose its A100 compute accelerator as a Crypto Mining Processor accelerator surfaced as early as March of this year. The intermediate radio silence has now been broken, with purported photographs and screenshots of a repurposed A100 surfacing as a rebranded CMP 170HX. There’s plenty to chew over, but as this isn’t an officially announced product, take the details with a bit of salt. 

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Photographs from the GA100-based Nvidia CMP 170HX (Image credit: Codefordl via Videocardz)
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Photographs and screengrabs from the GA100-based Nvidia CMP 170HX

Photographs from the GA100-based Nvidia CMP 170HX (Image credit: Codefordl via Videocardz)
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Photographs and screengrabs from the GA100-based Nvidia CMP 170HX

Photographs from the GA100-based Nvidia CMP 170HX (Image credit: Codefordl via Videocardz)
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Photographs and screengrabs from the GA100-based Nvidia CMP 170HX

Photographs from the GA100-based Nvidia CMP 170HX (Image credit: Codefordl via Videocardz)

While initial reports pointed towards a CMP 220HX branding with performance in the range of 215 MH/s for Ethereum mining, the final result delivered by the CMP 170HX is slightly less impressive, with the tested card delivering around 165 MH/s in a 250W envelope. It is still extremely impressive compared to the CMP 50HX accelerator that falls in the same 250 W envelope, though; that card can only output 45 MH/s — less than a third of the CMP 170HX’s performance. Thus, Nvidia seems to still have some headroom for an eventual 220HX release – at least judging from these specifications on offer in the 170HX.