Panama Benefit Bitcoin Adoption El Salvador

A few brave people in Panama are pushing to move a cryptocurrency bill forward as they work to overcome fear and uncertainty from the majority in Congress and the general population.

On June 8, 2021, Satoshi Nakamoto smiled as wide as the horizon that can be seen from the west beach of El Zonte. After all, perhaps not even Satoshi could have predicted a sovereign nation adopting bitcoin as legal tender just 12 years after its invention. Since El Salvador passed their Ley Bitcoin, the entire cryptocurrency community has been anxious to know which country will follow as the second to pass a bitcoin bill, furthering the alpha coin’s presence on the world stage. As one of eight countries to have a politician don laser eyes after El Salvador passed their Ley Bitcoin, Panama could be that country. Though Panama’s population of 4.3 million is less than El Salvador’s 6.5 million, the global impact of a second country with bitcoin-centered legislation would be incalculable.