Top Performing Cryptocurrencies of 2021

Bitcoin is having quite the run as of late, with prices soaring to new heights almost every month. But while Bitcoin still rules the roost when it comes to cryptocurrencies, it’s not the only choice in town. There are quite a few other options that you will come across when looking for other cryptocurrency investment options. In case you were wondering what these are, here’s a quick breakdown of the top-performing cryptocurrency investments that are also worth a try. 



First on the list is Litecoin, which is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency that was established in 2011 by a former Google programmer. Litecoin is growing in popularity in leaps and bounds and has fast become the digital silver to the digital gold of Bitcoin. It also enjoys a market capitalization of $13 billion, which makes it a strong investment option if you were looking for a Bitcoin alternative. 



XRP is a cryptocurrency that has garnered much attention from banks as well as financial institutions, and for good reason. The digital currency was invented by Ripple Labs back in 2012 and has come a long way since in terms of popularity and reliability. Two other notable factors of XRP are that it operates on its own blockchain technology called Ripple and enjoys a market capitalization of $48 billion. 



Many folks didn’t think much of this cryptocurrency when it was launched, but it has gained significant ground when it comes to popularity and is also considered to be a legit investment option apart from Bitcoin. Tether, which was previously known as Realcoin, was created in 2014 and is one of the first cryptocurrencies to be linked to the US dollar. Since Tether is linked to a fiat currency, it is considered to be a far more stable investment option as compared to other cryptocurrencies. 


Bitcoin Cash

No list of Bitcoin alternatives would be complete without Bitcoin Cash. The largest Bitcoin fork by market size is Bitcoin Cash, which was created in 2017 by former Facebook developer Amaury Séchet. In case you were wondering, a Bitcoin fork is considered a break in transaction chains due to the opinion of the user on the transaction history that results in new versions of the currency. Bitcoin Cash currently has a market cap of a cool $10bn. 



With a total market capitalization of $211.2 billion, ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. It was initially suggested by Vitalik Buterin, a developer, in 2013, and the cryptocurrency based on blockchain technology went live in 2015. Since then, there has been no turning back for Ethereum, and it has become quite comfortable on the second slot just under Bitcoin in terms of market capitalization. 



Dogecoin was named after the iconic “Doge” internet meme of a Shiba Inu dog. This year has been the year of Dogecoin, which has witnessed its strongest performance yet. Just this year alone, the cryptocurrency’s value has increased 13,000%, which easily makes it fourth in line with the crypto throne. That said, Dogecoin is the largest cryptocurrency in the market today in terms of market capitalization, which makes it a great investment option.

Of course, Bitcoin has been one cryptocurrency that has managed to retain its top spot on the list of the best cryptocurrencies to invest in despite its price having yo-yo-ed up and down over the past months. 

If you are new to Bitcoin trading and want to find out more about investment techniques, then you are going to need the best online resource available. The bitcoin circuit app offers you just that. Not only does the Bitcoin trading platform provide investors with the latest Bitcoin information in real-time, but you also get access to other valuable resources to help make smarter decisions while investing in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. 

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