Goldman Small Cap Research Publishes New Research Update on RocketFuel Blockchain, Inc.

BALTIMORE, MD / ACCESSWIRE / July 26, 2021 / Goldman Small Cap Research, a stock market research firm specializing in the small cap and microcap sectors, announced today that it has published a new research update on emerging global payments processing company RocketFuel Blockchain, Inc.(OTCQB:RKFL). The Company is an early mover as a global provider of one-click online payment options using Bitcoin and 50+ other cryptocurrencies. This update carries a price target. To read the research update, coverage initiation report, along with disclosures and disclaimers, or to download them in their entirety, please visit

RocketFuel Blockchain, Inc. is global payments processing company offering highly efficient 1-click check-out solutions to eCommerce merchants and their customers. RocketFuel’s solution focuses on enhanced customer privacy protection eliminating the risk of data breach while improving speed, security and ease of use. RKFL users are able to enjoy seamless check-out using their favorite cryptocurrencies or direct bank transfers and forget the clunky cart and card paradigm of the past. RKFL merchants are able to implement new impulse buying schemes and generate new sales channels unavailable in current eCommerce solutions.

In the Opportunity Research update, analyst Rob Goldman discusses how very favorable company and industry trends could serve as key catalysts to drive the shares towards their 52-week high, achieved weeks after the coverage initiation in April 2021.

Pioneer Set to Transform eCommerce

Goldman noted, “Since our coverage initiation three months ago management has achieved its publicly stated, near-term objectives regarding product development, merchant implementations, and revenue. This accomplishment is impressive for an early-stage firm. Looking ahead, new, significant product feature news, and very favorable crypto eCommerce industry trends could drive RKFL’s shares toward its 52-week high of $5.75, a 300% gain, during 3Q21.”

Key Differentiating Features to Drive Deployment

“RKFL is an early mover as a global provider of blockchain based one-click online consumer payment options using Bitcoin and 50+ other cryptocurrencies. What sets RKFL apart are two key features. RKFL is the first cryptocurrency payment service to provide a seamless one-click checkout experience. Plus, RKFL just introduced what it believes to be the industry’s first ‘Price Settlement Guarantee,’ which allows merchants to always receive deposits equal to the listed price of goods sold without being affected by crypto-to-fiat exchange rate changes. This is a huge advantage over competing methods.”

“Current eCommerce methods are outdated, problematic, and costly, while the Company’s platform is designed to improve the merchant and customer experience. Implementation should lead to lower merchant costs, potential recurring business and may foster customer loyalty,” continued Goldman.

RKFL Benefits from Recent Crypto eCommerce Trends

“According to a June 2021 cryptocurrrency payments industry report, nearly one-quarter of the 8,000 consumers surveyed noted that they have used crypto as method of payment, not just investment. Based on current trends, this number is set to move markedly higher, indicating huge upside for RKFL’s prospects. It is expected that major nations’ central banks (e,g US) will follow China’s and other nations’ lead and announce a digital version of their own FIAT currency. These steps will validate the entire ecosystem and accelerate demand, adoption, and growth for crypto as a payment solution. Moreover, it could serve as a critical catalyst to increase RKFL’s valuation dramatically.” concluded Goldman.

About Goldman Small Cap Research: Founded in 2009 by former Piper Jaffray analyst and mutual fund manager Rob Goldman, Goldman Small Cap Research produces sponsored and non-sponsored small cap and microcap stock research reports, articles, stock market blogs, and popular investment newsletters.

Goldman Small Cap Research is not in any way affiliated with Goldman Sachs & Co.

This press release contains excerpts of our most recently published sponsored company research update on RocketFuel Blockchain, Inc. The information used and statements of fact made have been obtained from sources considered reliable but we neither guarantee nor represent the completeness or accuracy. Goldman Small Cap Research did not make an independent investigation or inquiry as to the accuracy of any information provided by the Company, or other firms. Goldman Small Cap Research relied solely upon information derived from RocketFuel Blockchain, Inc. (“the Company”) authorized press releases or legal disclosures made in its filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Separate from the factual content of our report about the Company, we may from time to time include our own opinions about the Company, its business, markets and opportunities. Any opinions we may offer about the Company are solely our own, and are made in reliance upon our rights under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and are provided solely for the general opinionated discussion of our readers. Our opinions should not be considered to be complete, precise, accurate, or current investment advice. Statements herein may contain forward-looking statements and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties affecting results.

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To download this research update, coverage initiation report or any of our research, view our disclosures and disclaimers, or for more information, visit Goldman Small Cap Research has been compensated by the Company in the amount of $7500 for research report and research update production.


Goldman Small Cap Research
Rob Goldman, Analyst

SOURCE: Goldman Small Cap Research

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