Why Bitcoin, Not S***coin – Bitcoin Magazine: Bitcoin News, Articles, Charts, and Guides

Hint: Beyond Bitcoin, it’s ALL shitcoin.

I often get asked about “which crypto” is a good one to invest in. Of course, my answer is always bitcoin. Period.

In this article I’d like to lay out the rationale from three angles:

  • Economic
  • Philosophic
  • Moralistic

They all weave into and build on top of each other. If you’re a Bitcoiner, I hope this reminds you of why we’re here. If you’re a no- or multi-coiner, I hope this helps you along the path and also to realize why Bitcoiners are so adamant about it.

It’s not close-mindedness, but an arrival to a point of truth. We have one chance to take down the Goliath. Wasting time on distractions doesn’t help you, me or anybody else for that matter.