Sound Wave will ripple out from Rame Head | News

RAME Head will be the location for a ‘Sound Wave’ on Saturday (June 12) – a cry to the G7 to make “choices for the good of all our futures”.

At 12 noon, hundreds are expected to gather and call for the leaders of the world’s wealthiest countries to end the subsidies of fossil fuels that currently stand at £100bn each year, and enact legislation to address the Climate Emergency.

The WWF UK’s chief executive, Tanya Steele, has said that “trying to set a path to net-zero emissions without tackling the UK financial sector is like sticking a plaster when the patient needs open heart surgery”.

“Despite seeing ambitious commitments to tackle the climate emergency, our finance sector is still driving global investment towards the old, destructive ways of doing business that are destroying our one shared home.”

And while some of the poorest nations of the world are already facing the most severe impacts of flooding and droughts, local campaign organiser Deb Hoskin says that at her home on the Rame Peninsula, she can also clearly see the effects of changing weather patterns.

“I and many here have seen a lot of changes in trees and shrubs, homegrown foods such as potatoes, broad beans, scorching, shrivelling away and browning of leaves, late leafing in hazel and one local person commented that the chestnuts in Minnadhu, Kingsand, are still not even in leaf yet and we are in June!

“We have had some strong SE cold winds, drought periods and over-wet periods so far this year, which can’t be ignored, and I know farmers are worried about crops.

“We ask G7 to stop funding fossil fuels and fund real and ingenious ways to safeguard together the whole of planet Earth.”

A lot of important work is going on on the Rame Peninsula, says Deb, to enable people to live sustainably.

“We of this small community, who try our best to care, depend on such as the G7 to lead and support us to do better,” she said.

“We alone can only do so much. Community Gardens with local food growing, community owned renewable energies, Rame Peninsula gardens coming together as a Community Nature Reserve, and FoRame Now – a group of a hundred or so local businesses and experts in many walks of life who are coming together to help to create sustainable local ways forward into a better future.

“These are relatively small acts, which without world governments acting now for the good of all, will only help a little.”