The Irish Times view on palace intrigue in Jordan: a royal rift ripples

It appears that Prince Hamzah’s chief offence was attending social gatherings at which Jordan’s King Abdullah II’s government was criticised. Accused of being part of a “foreign-backed” conspiracy, the prince and close allies were locked up.

The rift in the royal household reflects underlying social tensions in a country that, while seemingly stable, has seen difficult times

Now he is free – or freer, apparently under house arrest – though his associates remain in custody. He has published a statement pledging his commitment to the king, although a leaked tape gives an alternative sense of the prince’s feelings: “I’m making this recording to make it clear that I’m not part of any conspiracy or nefarious organisation or foreign-backed group, as is always the claim here for anyone who speaks out. Unfortunately, this country has become stymied in corruption, in nepotism and in misrule”.