Material Shortages Ripple Into Air-Conditioning Supplies

Donley AC and Plumbing

Mike Donley

Slowdowns in mining, transportation and manufacturing have affected industries and products across the country.

Now Arizona home builders are facing a shortage of materials that is reverberating through the construction industry, and that includes air-conditioners.

Last summer, as more people worked from home and caught up on home improvement projects, demand for new units and parts was high. But supplies were running short.

Mike Donley of Phoenix-based Donley AC and Plumbing says that can lead to higher prices.

“As the supply channels tighten, and inventories are depleted, and materials are costing more for the manufacturers, prices are going to increase,” Donley said. “And we’ve experienced two price increases from most of our suppliers already this year.” 

Donelly said that in spite of the difficulties, so far his company has been able to locate what it needs.