Chancery OKs Atty Fees For Ripple After Win Over Tetragon

Law360 (April 2, 2021, 7:28 PM EDT) — Cryptocurrency company Ripple has come out on top in a bid to make investor Tetragon Financial Group Ltd. pay its legal fees in a March win over Tetragon’s claim that an alleged securities default justified a lockup of Ripple’s assets.

In a document made public Friday, Vice Chancellor Morgan T. Zurn, granted what was originally a $3.2 million fee request from Ripple, although with unspecified modifications.

The court on March 19 shut down a Tetragon suit seeking to bar Ripple from using its assets for anything but redeeming Tetragon’s stock, rejecting claims that a federal regulator’s cryptocurrency-related suit had triggered Tetragon’s…

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