Using Stonewallx2 For Bitcoin – Bitcoin Magazine: Bitcoin News, Articles, Charts, and Guides

This article explains a privacy-enhancing transaction tool called Stonewallx2. Developed by Samourai Wallet, this tool can be used to collaborate in cahoots transactions to create decoy bitcoin outputs.

When it comes to defensively guarding the privacy of Bitcoin users, Samourai Wallet has been on the bleeding edge for many years. Maintaining privacy while using Bitcoin requires paying close attention to the way that your transactions are being built; which inputs are being used and what kind of history your inputs are bringing with them. Common input ownership heuristics are used by chain analysis companies to surveil Bitcoin users. These heuristics make the assumption that when there are multiple inputs to a Bitcoin transaction, those inputs belong to the same entity. Techniques can be used to break these assumptions, thus rendering the ability of a chain analysis company to maintain such assumptions utterly indefensible.