The Tribune honored with multiple press awards

Staff members of The Yadkin Ripple and The Tribune took part in a virtual conference hosted by the North Carolina Press Association on Friday.

Sessions included information on obtaining COVID-19 related data for news stories as well as sessions relating to advertising. The virtual conference concluded with an awards presentation. The Yadkin Ripple and The Tribune claimed multiple awards in the advertising categories as well as two press awards in the columns categories by former Editor Bill Colvard. On The Vine magazine was also honored with a second place award in the niche publication category.

“There is strong competition for the annual North Carolina Press Association honors and I’m extremely proud of our team for the awards they won this year,” said Publisher Sandra Hurley. “In the two divisions for which The Tribune and The Yadkin Ripple compete, there were hundreds of submissions. Four first place, three second place and five third place awards is very exciting for us. And for On the Vine to be selected second in overall competition for niche/magazine publications is a high honor, for which we are very proud.”

Colvard was honored with a first place award in the serious column category as well as the lighter column category.

“It is a real honor to end my journalism career with two more awards from the NC Press Association. I am especially happy about the award for lighter columns. I have never been able to crack that category before. So winning a first place award on my last chance is a really nice send-off into retirement,” said Colvard. “I enjoyed working at The Tribune, and these mementos of my time there will be greatly treasured.”