Ethereum 2.0 reaches 6 billion dollars of ethers in staking – Latest News, Breaking News, Top News Headlines

Key facts:

Currently users who block ethers for staking will receive an ROI of 8.9%.

Kraken and Binance remain the top staking service providers.

2.7% of the total supply of ethers (ETH) that is in circulation are now locked in Ethereum 2.0, making up the staking funds of the network validators.

The total deposited already reaches 3,100,000 ETH, according to data from the Launchpad.etherum portal. This represents, with ether priced at over $ 1,800 per unit, a total of $ 6 billion locked in Ethereum 2.0.

If we take into account that the total supply of ethers already exceeds 114 million ETH, the new blockchain of the Ethereum ecosystem is about to accumulate 3% of all the ethers that have been issued up to this moment. An increase in blocked funds that has been exponential since its launch.

Ethereum 2.0 stacking pools have been formed, highlighting in number those validators that have not yet been identified and remain anonymous. That is, they are those people or entities that deposited 32 ETH to put their own validator node into operation. This group represents 41% of the total funds in staking.

Independent validators make up a larger portion than other providers, such as Kraken and Binance. Source:

On the other hand, exchanges like Kraken and Binance are the main providers of staking services that are in the market today. Kraken accumulates 14.82% of all ethers blocked in the new network, while the Binance pool dominates 9.69%. Other well-known providers that will also have a significant number of validators are the Bitcoin Suisse groups that have a presence of 5.62% on the funds in staking, that claims 4.77% and Lido that has accumulated 2.87 %. Although these are the best known, there are already more than 40 staking pools that expect Ethereum 2.0 to start operations in 2022.

Ethereum 2.0 prepares to become the new mainnet

The number of validators that are active to operate has also increased. By the end of December there were just over 40,000 active validators, as we reported in CriptoNoticias, at that time. But now, websites like calculate a total of 89,357 active validators and more than 6,000 pending confirmation.

Regarding interest, it is important to remember that anyone who has decided to deposit their ethers in the Ethereum Beacon Chain will receive a return on investment when the network comes into operation. These interests vary according to when said user deposited their ethers, as is the case of the first participants who calculate profits on their funds with an ROI of 16.5. However, by now, the network’s interest rate stands at 8.9% and continues to decline.

Despite the progress, the reality is that there is still a long way to go to see the Ethereum community migration to its new blockchain completed. The developers’ schedule indicates that the operational stage of Ethereum 2.0 will begin by 2022, but until this date both networks will continue to coexist in parallel and independently.