Potential Blockchain Uses Cases for Cybersecurity

By Enterprise Security Magazine | Friday, January 08, 2021

Blockchain can be used to set up a basic encryption protocol. To allow cross-messaging communication capabilities, firms can use blockchain to build a cohesive API platform.

FREMONT, CA: Although not unbreakable, blockchain has developed into one of the most certain types of distributed network transactions. The technology has been credited, as planned and intended, with its guarantee of information security. Many industries will benefit from this if well-used.

With the ability to be functional for many applications, blockchain can be used for many purposes. One of the best uses will be to use its integrity assurance to develop cyber protection applications for many other technologies. Here are several usage cases of potential useful use of blockchain to improve cybersecurity:

1. Securing Private Messaging: With the internet converting the globe into a virtual community, more and more people enter social media. The number of social media sites is also on the increase. More social applications are launched per dawn as conversational commerce is gaining prominence. During these encounters, large quantities of metadata are obtained. Many users of social media sites protect resources and their data with poor, insecure passwords.

Most communications firms are heating up to blockchain to protect consumer data as a superior alternative to the end-to-end encryption that they are now using. Blockchain can be used to set up a basic encryption protocol. To allow cross-messaging communication capabilities, firms can use blockchain to build a cohesive API platform.

In recent years, several attacks have been carried out against social media. These attacks resulted in data breaches with millions of users being hacked and personal information falling into the wrong hands. Blockchain technologies, if well implemented in such messaging networks, could deter such potential cyberattacks.

2. IoT Security: Hackers are gradually using edge machines, such as thermostats and routers, to obtain access to the overall networks. With the new fascination with Artificial Intelligence (AI), it has become easier for hackers to reach global networks like home automation through edge devices like smart switches. In most cases, all of these IoT systems have sketchy security features.

In this case, blockchain may protect specific systems or devices by decentralizing their management. The solution would have the capability of the system to make security decisions on its own. Not depending on the centralized admin or authority, edge devices are made more reliable by detecting and acting on malicious commands from unknown networks.

Hackers usually infiltrate the device’s central management and immediately gain complete control of computers and networks. By decentralizing such computer authority structures, blockchain means that such attacks are more challenging to perform (if even possible).

3. Safeguarding DNS and DDoS: A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack happens when users of a target resource, like a network resource, server, or website, are denied access to or service to the target resource. These attacks will close down or slow down the resource networks. On the other hand, the intact Domain Name System (DNS) is very centralized, making it the ideal target for hackers who penetrate the link between the IP address and the name of the website. This attack leaves the website useless, cashable, and also routed to other scam websites.