Businesses feel ripple effect from unmasked pandemic partiers

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    ATLANTA (WGCL) — A photo shared over social media showing a huge crowd of unmasked drinkers at a popular beer hall along the beltline continues to draw widespread condemnation.

Pour Taproom has subsequently shut its doors, temporarily, of its own accord saying it needs to do better.

“It’s very alarming we do not want to have a super spreader event that close to anywhere in our city,” said District 5 Councilmember Natalyn Archibong.

Pour’s neighbors are also victims of the large unmasked crowds. Bennett’s Market & Deli said Pour’s carelessness is costing them business because customers are not willing to walk past the pandemic partiers. The Market even said a wheelchair bound customer who cannot access the local grocer has threatened them with legal action.

City councilmembers say this has not gone unnoticed.

“I am concerned when any business who is trying to survive and who has a commitment to follow the health and safety protocols and is unable to do so because of a neighbor,” Councilmember Archibong said.

Bennet’s Market & Deli said they are following Gov Kemp’s guidelines, and are hampered by their neighbors because access to their shop is shared with others.

Pour vowed to remain closed until it is able to serve customers safely. Community and health officials hoping they live up to their word.

“I feel bad for the spots that need foot traffic to go through those places because a lot of people are deterred to go to businesses where there’s a large gaggle of people in front of it.” said Tim who lives close to the Beltline.

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