Nigel Farage pivots to crypto

You might remember that Nigel Farage has recently found himself a new gig.

No, we aren’t talking about his running around America brown-nosing Donald Trump, or his rebranding of the Brexit Party to an anti-lockdown party called “Reform UK” (he might have thought a little more about the demographics on that one), or even his newfound love for saving migrants in the English Channel (really).

What we’re referring to is his new daily newsletter, Fortune & Freedom. Its purpose is to get your money and your destiny back in your hands” and it’s published by Southbank Investment Research Limited. (Their other newsletter titles include “Short the World”, “New Drug Speculator” and “Crypto Profits Extreme”. We’re sensing a theme developing here.)

When we first reported on it, we noticed our Nige’s libertarian language echoed that of the crypto bros we’re so fond of, and noted that:

We were waiting for him to say “be your own bank” and tell everyone to buy bitcoin, but he stopped short of that, for now.

Well, as it turns out, he didn’t stop short of it for too long. Because as of last week, with the price of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies going to the moon, it was time for Fortune & Freedom to go Full Crypto. After all, according to the newsletter, bitcoin is the “ultimate anti-lockdown investment” (we don’t quite get it either).

On Friday, it was time for a real treat: an interview with our Nige and a real-life “cryptocurrency expert” called Sam Volkering. To be completely frank, we have never heard of him, but it turns out he’s written a book! Called Crypto Revolution. Oh and weirdly it turns out that he is the editor of Southbank Investment Research.

Here they are deep in discussion (Mr Volkering must be really tall):

Nigel tells us in a kind of pantomime-performer fashion:

It’s the subject everyone’s talking about — no they really are! From the poorest to the richest in the land, one of the conversations that’s going on is about cryptocurrency. The reason is all too obvious: it’s that government’s are, through this pandemic, creating vast amounts of funny money, debasing currencies, and people are scared about what this means for their money, their investments . . . 

I must admit I’ve been a bit lazy on it, but I thought: ‘well I’ve got to really educate myself’, so I got hold of a copy of this Crypto Revolution, published by Southbank, and I read it and I read it, and I’ve been studying and talking about crypto a lot more in the last few months . . . I can’t sit here and tell you that I’m an expert. There is a lot to learn but is it important. Actually, I think it could be crucially important that you get your minds around crypto, and what it means. Already fortunes have been made and lost on this!

I’m beginning to understand that in terms of our future, this stuff is really important. 

And then, come Wednesday, it was time for a Very. Special. Offer:

Act now!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know when you do a £5 Secret Santa with colleagues and you end up getting someone you secretly don’t like very much? You’re welcome.

Related links:
Nigel Farage is shilling gold and silver on the internet — FT Alphaville