PGC Digital: “There’s a huge ripple effect | Pocket

The removal of IDFA by Apple has been a hot topic since the App Store owner announced the new privacy implementation and how it will affect mobile game makers.

“Really, I think this is great for everybody,” said Tilting Point head of data Andre Cohen while discussing the topic as part of his Superstar Session at PGC Digital #4.

“This is a great policy in the sense it actually forces developers to acknowledge that privacy should come first when dealing with players because they come from all ages. There’s a huge ripple effect once you don’t have detailed information about players that forces the game industry to become better.”

Only yesterday in a panel discussing IDFA, Gamejam CEO Christian Calderon shared his opposing views on the subject and why it “could have really negative impacts on the entire industry”.

Apocalypse now

“The focus on Android is still wonderful and you should put all your money for UA and marketing into Android for the next couple of months because that’s where everything is still very peachy and performance marketing still works very well.”

However, Cohen did predict that he expects Google to follow similarly and bring in their own IDFA privacy restrictions not long after.

“The impact of IDFA is strictly on Apple’s side… for now. So, this is more of a practice run for the true apocalypse because the true apocalypse will happen in a year… that’s my prediction.

With less data available, it will be more difficult to target players and therefore lead to slower feedback, however the privacy-first initiative is one that will be welcomed by consumers. It’s expected that with IDFA, there will be 80 per cent less data via IDFA if players opt-out.

A slide on the ‘Road to Privacy’ taken from Calderon’s talk.

Tilting Point recently acquired terraforming simulation game TerraGenesis from Edgeworks Entertainment.

PGC Digital #4 will run from November 9th to November 13th. To keep up to date with all of our coverage, check out the roundups here. There’s still time to sign up – to find out more and book a ticket, head to the website.