LINE launches development platform for blockchain services

LINE Blockchain Developers is a development platform that provides an easy and efficient way for developers to build blockchain services based on LINE Blockchain.

LVC Corporation and LINE TECH PLUS PTE. LTD. (LTP) today announce the launch of LINE Blockchain Developers – a developer platform for blockchain services.

In April 2018, LINE set up the LINE Blockchain Lab team to develop blockchain-driven dApps and research P2P network-based distributed systems and encryption technologies. With that purpose, the team has worked on a wide range of blockchain projects across the LINE Group, such as developing the proprietary LINE Blockchain (formerly known as LINK Chain). Additionally, they built an ecosystem based on LINE Blockchain, aiming to generate co-creative relationships between users and service providers under the “LINE Token Economy” concept.

LINE believes blockchain’s practical and widespread use is hampered due to the costs and complexities involved with building and deploying it. Against this background, LVC and LTP decided to share LINE’s blockchain technologies. This led the companies to launch LINE Blockchain Developers – a development platform for companies to build blockchain services.

Blockchain technology can also be readily added to existing services for one-of-a-kind token economies. The developer console itself is a web-based environment offered through LINE’s own developer web portal, LINE Developers.

With this platform, companies and developers can focus their attention on improving UX and other facets of their service instead of the technical aspects of blockchain and security.