Blockchain: gambling and gaming

The computer games industry in terms of introducing new information technologies is usually ahead of all other areas of application, including even targeted ones, the solution of problems which usually becomes the reason for the emergence of breakthrough technologies. Blockchain technologies are no exception.

Augmented reality as a technology, having quite serious and responsible target areas of application in comparison to the blockchain, such as education, design of complex systems, and others, is nevertheless developing at a faster pace in the gaming industry. The needs of users of computer games are driving the industry to develop and produce ever more powerful graphics cards.

Blockchain technologies designed to solve the most complex socio-economic problems that are potentially the basis for a new global financial system have also not been ignored by game developers and players.

Considering that blockchain is always a bit “about money”, blockchain games are expected to attract interest from virtual casino, and their smart contract honesty expands their audience at the expense of those who are usually not inclined to trust the organizers of games.

The use of cryptocurrencies in computer games that do not belong to the category of gambling inevitably arouses the interest of a huge community of players and increases the popularity of such entertainment for those who prefer to rely on their skills and gaming experience, choosing computer games in which the result depends on the actions and decisions of the player rather than a random number generator.

The First Crypto-Games

The first cryptocurrency online gambling games in Australia exploited the possibility of instant automatic payments without any advanced game scenario and gameplay graphics. The most famous representative among such games was the game named Satoshi Craps. It was developed as a multiplayer lottery game with the participation of several players who place their bets by sorting items suggested by the game. Then, again, the winner or the loser was randomly determined, the bet of which was divided among the other participants.

Online casinos showed increased attention to games with cryptocurrencies, which, again, attracted – already at a new stage in the development of technology, the possibility of instant draws with automatic distribution and withdrawal of winnings. Structurally, most of the games with cryptocurrencies, which are filled with catalogs of online casinos, differ little from the schemes implemented in slot machines, but perhaps nothing more sophisticated for casino players is required at this stage.

Blockchain Technology in Gambling

The gambling use of blockchains deserves serious consideration. Besides, the demand for blockchain games creates a need for blockchain developers and presents them with interesting challenges. Since in gaming applications, the developer’s imagination acts as the only limiter, in the process of working on the game, the most exotic options for using smart contracts arise and are worked out. Moreover, the result of the development does not lie on the table but is broadcast to a wide audience.

Despite the seeming frivolity of the gaming direction in comparison with trading, mining, investment in cryptocurrencies, blockchain games may well do more to expand the user experience than educational literature, courses, and journalism in specialized media combined.

Perhaps the best thing that can be done today for the development of the cryptocurrency market is to promote the popularization of blockchain games that use cryptocurrencies. Blockchain games can become the entry point to crypto for the general public. Through games, the experience of managing tokens and dealing with cryptocurrency wallets is acquired quickly and naturally. Buying tokens as an investment is often only one or two transactions, while the game requires not only frequent transactions but also mastering tools such as MetaMask.<

Serverless Crypto-GamesGames that do not require a game server have become a separate new type of entertainment with the development of blockchain technologies – the current game data is stored and recorded in the blockchain, the gameplay is implemented in JavaScript and is turned on/off in the user’s browser. The logic of the game is hardcoded into a smart contract and does not allow even a theoretical possibility of circumventing the rules. In this case, the causal relationship “victory – getting a win” is realized immediately upon the occurrence of the corresponding event.

Of course, not everything is so easy and simple – to interact with a gaming smart contract on the Ethereum network, you need to install the MetaMask browser extension, transactions that write to the blockchain “moves” of players require time, but these inconveniences are more than offset by the economic component of the game – the win is quite material even in the simplest game, for example, one that requires guessing in which hand the Ethereum is hidden.

By the way, a feature of this type of game is the ability to create an unlimited number of game scripts for one smart contract, which opens up a wide field of activity for developers writing in JavaScript.

For example, the web component of the game is executed in JavaScript and is available for download. Once hosted on a website, it accesses the game’s smart contract via MetaMask and launches it, transferring a certain amount of ETH to the smart contract address. The script implements a fistfight – two players participate, who take turns striking each other and defending themselves from the enemy’s blows. The victory is awarded by points, the game bank is divided accordingly. The developer’s commission in the amount of 10% of the loser’s bet remains on the smart contract.

The construction of a smart contract is an invitation for developers to write their scripts for this smart contract and for webmasters to place the game script on their sites.

Such games are quite simple to implement and are attractive because of the opportunity to win in cryptocurrency. And also, guaranteed rewards for developers.

So far, there are not many games performed according to a similar scheme, but given their incredible simplicity, guaranteed honesty and the possibility of earning for all participants, it can be assumed that the game pool will grow like an avalanche, and with them, the number of people who are firsthand familiar with cryptocurrencies, crypto wallets, cryptocurrency exchanges, and other industry services will increase as well.

The interesting fact is, that there are no laws in any country to prohibit or “control” such type of technology. Roughly speaking, you can make your own gambling game which will be legal and authorities won’t be able to ban it since this game is not regulated by any act or law.