Altcoins News | Bitcoin News Today – Blockchainreporter

The Australian Comedian and talk-show host disclosed he bought a Bitcoin for $10,000 through the Robinhood App. This means he has four times as much bitcoin as Elon Musk. 

The stand-up Comedian spoke during his June 30 episode of his podcast “I Don’t Know about That,” where he hoisted “Invest Diva” Kiana Danial. Jeffrey said he knew slightly more about cryptocurrency than his entire comedy team. It’s common practice for his staff to select topics that the Comedian may not know much about. Jeffries stated: 

“I have one Bitcoin; I bought it as a bit of a laugh just on the Robinhood app. Just to see what this crypto is all about.”

Interest in Cryptocurrency Investment

According to the Australian-born comic, he owns some $9612 worth of bitcoin. Danial confirmed Jeffries was yet to transfer hit crypto assets to a wallet. Of course, #not your keys, not your bitcoin#. Therefore, that means that Jeffries owns more bitcoin that tech billionaire Elon Musk. Musk stated earlier he owned only 0.25 Bitcoin that’s worth $2,347. This revelation comes a few days after an announcement by another comedian Bill Burr who expressed interest in cryptocurrency investment. 

Jeffries has a net worth close to $9 million. His cryptocurrency investment amounts to a measly 0.1% of all his assets. This is lower than billionaire Paul Tudor Jones with 1%. 

A Mix of Entertainment and Education

Jefferies’ net worth is estimated close to $9 million, meaning his crypto investment makes up just 0.1% of his assets — a little less than billionaire Paul Tudor Jones’ 1%. Since the podcast was meant to be a mix of entertainment and education, Jeffries listened carefully as Danial explained the basic facts about cryptocurrencies; history and terms. Regarding Satoshi Nakamoto, the comic quickly joked: 

“Everyone knows who he is — two Michelin stars, best tuna in town […] I’m going to buy some Bitcoins, and I’m gonna put my wallet in the fridge.”

Synonymous To Financial Freedom

The king of cryptocurrencies has come so far in its journey since it was created about a decade ago. Bitcoin is currently enjoying mainstream exposure as celebrities, and mainstream platforms continue to show interest in the cryptosphere. 

Bitcoin has caught the interest of people all over the world. It is coming out as something revolutionary that can change the financial system that we currently depend upon. Bitcoin has become synonymous with people’s economic freedom. It takes financial power from the government and gives it back to the people. People in countries like Lebanon and Argentina have resorted to bitcoin amid economic crises. Others choose it to counter the effects of Covid-19.