Articles by Logan Chipkin – Bitcoin Magazine

Logan Chipkin is a freelance writer in Philadelphia. He is interested in Bitcoin, economics, physics, philosophy, and history. His day-to-day work consists of two primary projects: he creates educational content for a Bitcoin startup, and he develops more effective ways to fund science than are currently practiced. In general, Logan is passionate about creating alternatives to stagnating institutions, especially those that are actively thwarting human progress. There are a lot of bad ideas out there. We can work to persuade people out of them, or we can ‘just’ build around them. With respect to Bitcoin, Logan is interested in the economic, political, and cultural implications of humanity’s evolution towards a Bitcoin standard. Logan’s primary influences are physicist David Deutsch, philosopher Karl Popper, economist/political theorist Murray Rothbard, historian Tom Woods, and economist Saifedean Ammous.

Logan can be found on Twitter @ChipkinLogan. His personal website is, where most of his previous publications can be found.