How Bitcoin Could Replace OnlyFans

Bitcoin could help so many more sex workers find financial freedom if customers are willing to pay in bitcoin.

The adult content platform OnlyFans reportedly plans to stop allowing “sexually explicit” content in October, due to pressure from various banking partners, and instead focus on serving less controversial corners of the “creator economy.” Sex industry experts are generally horrified by the human rights implications of this move, but hardly surprised.

Credit card giants like Mastercard and Visa stopped serving Pornhub in 2020. At both the platform level and the individual level, including sex workers’ personal Venmo and PayPal accounts, the American banking system is systematically working to starve an entire sector of society into submission. Although similar companies like Chaturbate use bitcoin, as well as dollars via credit cards, so far there are no public plans for OnlyFans to switch to using bitcoin as a replacement for traditional services.