Index – Tech-Science – Romanian Hackers Illegally Mining Cryptocurrency on Hacked Computers

Computers around the world are under attack by a group of Romanian hackers discovered by researchers at cybersecurity and antivirus company Bitdefender, according to Main Square. In addition to describing their methods and defense options, they did not reveal much about the organization, nor did they know if they were being investigated by the relevant authorities at all or if they could carry out their attacks without any disturbance. On the other hand, it is known that communication is done in both Romanian and English within the application, and Romanian names are used.

Hackers use the attacked laptops and computers for illegal mining of cryptocurrency, and one easy-to-crack password is enough to take control.

Often, victims do not even notice that someone else is using the device, and it seems at most that it is not working properly.

The newspaper Cluj-Napoca drew attention.

Linux machines are used by miners to mine Monero, and a separate program has been developed to hack weak password-protected servers. Bitdefender drew attention to the importance of strong passwords, and it is worth keeping the barely used communication protocols closed.