BigONE Token Can Be Stored On User-Controlled, Non-Custodial Coinbase Wallet

(YourDigitalWall Editorial):- San Diego, California Feb 23, 2021 ( – Recent success among blockchain exchanges, seeing gains to their native tokens, is fueling speculation around which token will be the next breakout hit. Viral Investments (VI) has a strong track record with retail investors and has been advising online communities seeking the next hidden blockchain gem. “The exchange volume of BigONE compared to Binance is 1/50th, yet their exchange token cap compared to Binance is 1/1000th+. Massive upside… we like the token,” VI recently announced. Chief Product Officer for Coinbase, Surojit Chatterjee, wrote in January 14, 2021, a blog post: “Our directive is to list every compliant asset possible. Shortly after this statement, ONE was listed on Coinbase Asset Hub. In addition, ONE can also be stored on the user-controlled, non-custodial Coinbase Wallet.

ONE (BigONE) has seen a price rally beginning February 8, 2021, and a large increase in volume starting February 18, 2021, the same day that BNB reached its all time high of USD$349.02. This activity coincides with a swift call to action by VI’s Discord membership and increased interest in Reddit’s r/bigoneexchange forum. Get more information from VI’s Discord here.

Viral Investments’ stated mission is to help retail blockchain investors attain sustainable growth through education and community support. This is to be achieved through a focus on analytics and safe investing.  We are proud to recommend high-potential investments of compliant assets that happen to be undervalued.