Crypto Trader Tyler Swope: Don’t Miss on These Two Small-Cap Altcoins

Popular trader and cryptocurrency personality Tyler Swope says he is selling bitcoin in order to invest in two little known altcoins. 

According to the most recent episode of Chico Crypto, Swope says he is interested in the small-cap altcoins Kleros (PNK) and OctoFi (OCTO). 

Swope claimed to see potential in PNK, which he called an online dispute resolution protocol that relies upon crowdsourcing. He also pointed to key hiring decisions by the project which would open it to a broader decentralized finance market.

He said, 

So Kleros, I’ve brought them up and am a holder of their token, bullish on their decentralized dispute resolution layer. Well, Kleros just brought on the big player: Jimmy Ragosa, former product lead and manager at ConsenSys.

Swope continued, saying Ragosa had tweeted a series of new integrations for the project, including Uniswap, and claimed more would be announced in the future. 

The popular crypto trader also claimed to be bullish on the OctoFi decentralized application (DApp), which aggregates decentralized projects and enables interchain lending. 

He said, 

Approximately $300,000 OCTO-USDC and OCTO-ETH Uniswap liquidity locked for one year.’ So this is a good sign. They’re locking up the team’s tokens and integrating with DeFi to eventually pay the team.

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