New Bitcoin price prediction: Where will BTC be in 10 years

  • A new crypto price prediction gave a forecast for Bitcoin and a number of altcoins over the next decade.
  • According to the report, BTC could potentially hit $400k by 2030.
  • The report made the assessment by using Bitcoin’s TMA (Target Addressable Market).

Speculators have been discussing the price of Bitcoin for over a decade now, and the matter still continues to attract attention. After all, the past 10 years have seen BTC surge up and down numerous times, it saw 2 halvings, and it even hit an ATH of $20,000.

With the new decade basically starting off with the coin’s third halving, great things are expected to happen in the near future.

A new report brings new assessments

Analysts at Crypto Research Report decided to try and make their own assessment by using Bitcoin’s target addressable market. They ended up predicting a surge that would take BTC near to $400,000 by 2030.

The new report came out earlier this month, and it includes Bitcoin, as well as a handful of altcoins, such as Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Stellar. The report noted that the mentioned projects would likely see a massive surge at some point before 2025.

But, the main point is that they expect the surge to last for a long time — around five years, or maybe even longer.

The report believes that BTC is currently still at the beginning of its adoption curve. According to its price in late 2019 — $7,200 — BTC has likely only penetrated 0.44% of the addressable markets, or maybe even less than that.

Crypto prices in 2030

The report estimates that the total addressable market (TAM) is worth $212 trillion. With that in mind, if the coin were to reach even 10% over the following decade, its price could surge to $397,727.

The report assesses that Ethereum will hit $3,644 by that time, while LTC would sit at $2.252. Stellar should reach $7.81, while the BCH price could go as high up as to reach $13,016.

Despite the assessed height of the BTC price, the largest gainer would still be Stellar (XLM), which would have moved from $0.07 to $7.81, which would represent an 11,000% increase.

The report made the assessment based on TAM, which included things like offshore accounts, remittance, tax evasion, online transactions, micropayments, store of value, gambling, and more. Not only that, but it looked into on-chain and off-chain velocity metrics, deducing that the number of speculative transactions is growing faster than the number of utility transactions.